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Unfortunately, we cannot deliver speculazen figures. Order and pick them up in Antwerp or Mechelen.
Saint Nicholas is coming! Order now and it will be ready from 9 November!
Unfortunately, we cannot deliver speculazen figures. Order and pick them up in Antwerp or Mechelen.
Saint Nicholas is coming! Order now and it will be ready from 9 November!

Opening hours of our store in Antwerp (Korte Gasthuisstraat 39) ?Monday to Saturday continuously open 10am to 6pm 1st Sunday of the month open from 12h to 18h Closed on holidays
Opening hours of our store in Antwerp (Oude Koornmarkt 8) ?We are open every day (including Sundays and public holidays - except 25/12 and 1/1) Open from 10am to 12.30pm - 1pm to 6pm
Opening hours Mechelen?Open Mondays from 12am to 6pm Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 6pm Saturday from 9am to 6pm 1st Sunday of the month open from 12am to 6pm
How can I place my order?You can place your order via the webshop. You can choose between shipping or collecting from our shops in Antwerp or Mechelen. You can also ask for an offer via mail if you are ordering for a company or placing a larger order (+ 50 pieces). It is not possible to order via Facebook, Instagram or Chat. Not our entire assortment is available via the webshop, it is however available in our shops. For shipments we work with bpost and DHL, see tab ‘deliveries’. After placing your order you will receive a confirmation mail on the mail address you provided us with (make sure to check your spam folder!) You can choose between different online payment modalities. If we have run out of articles in gift packages/Sinterklaas packages/Easter baskets,… we will provide similar goodies.
What does it cost to ship to Belgium and the Netherlands?Via our webshop: Belgium: 8,50 euro (bpost) The Netherlands: 14,50 euro (bpost) --> Standard shipment to the Netherlands is done via bpost. You can also have you order delivered to the Netherlands via DHL, which is generally quicker by 3 days. Price 29,95 euro. These rates only apply to orders via our webshop. For orders via mail our prices are higher and always on request.
Are shipments abroad possible?This is possible via our webshop, we work together with DHL for this. You can select the country you wish to ship to as you order. Is the country you are looking for not mentioned in the list? Then mail your order to We will gladly look into the possibilities for you.
How much does an international shipment cost?Prices depend on the chosen region. You can click on the country you would like to ship to, the price will become visible in your cart. The country you are looking for is not in the list? Then send us your question via mail Please note that any custom fees/import duties are always at the expense of the recipient.
I’m ordering a gift, can I add a message to the person I am sending it to?You can add a message in the box ‘add a message’. This message will be printed and added to the package. Prices are never sent along.
Ik zie mijn favoriete koekjes niet online kan ik ze apart online bestellen?Niet ons gehele assortiment kan u via de webshop bestellen. Wenst u graag andere lekkernijen? Breng dan zeker een bezoek aan één van onze winkels. U heeft hier ook steeds de mogelijkheid tot proeven.
What if I want to send my order to another delivery address?You have the possibility to give a delivery address other than the invoice address online. There is a box you can tick under ‘payment’ to specify where you would like the biscuits to be delivered. This box is only visible after payment.
How can I place an order for a later date?If you place an order to be delivered at a later date, you can type this is the field ‘add a message’.
Do I receive an invoice?After placing your order you will automatically receive a link to your invoice attached to your order confirmation. Changes to the invoice afterwards are not possible. Also check your spam folder. We do not include invoices in deliveries or pick-ups.
Track and Trace Code ?You will not receive a track-and-trace code with your order. This is because we work with several corporate online platforms. If you are not around to accept your parcel, the courier will deposit it in the nearest postal point or leave your packet in a safe place (you will receive a notification of this in your letterbox) Your package will remain available at the courier for +/- 15 days, if it could not have been delivered, your package can be collected from one of our shops or pick-up point. You will then receive a mail to inform you of this (don’t forget to check your spam!
Wat bij laattijdige of foute zending?Wij rekenen standaard een verwerkingstermijn tot 8 werkdagen (voor ‘blikken met tekst tot 10 werkdagen + verzending). Wij houden ons aan deze termijnen, bij problemen zullen wij u contacteren. Terugbetaling is niet mogelijk; Indien de laattijdige levering door toedoen van de koerierdiensten (Bpost, DHL) gebeurde.Vertragingen bij deze diensten hebben wij jammer genoeg niet in de hand. U een foutief adres opgaf bij uw webshopbestelling Het pakket na aanbieding bij de begunstigde niet kon worden afgeleverd of opgehaald werd in het afhaalpunt. De begunstigde krijgt steeds melding van aanbieding in de brievenbus. U mag ons echter bij problemen steeds een mail sturen ( zodat we een gepaste oplossing kunnen aanbieden.
Modifying your order after you have placed itIf you would like to modify your order or add a message after having placed your order, we will do our utmost best, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to apply the changes you made to your order. You can mail us at If your order hasn’t been processed yet, we can adjust it manually.
What is the delivery time?Delivery moments depend on the number of orders that require processing. You need to take a standard processing time of up to 8 business days into account. Deliveries on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are not possible. Choosing a specific moment for delivery is not possible, as this depends on bpost/DHL and we do not handle their deliveries. During the key moments (Easter-Sinterklaas-Christmas/End of year) you need to take up to 5 extra business days + shipment into account. During the month of December delivery services deal with extra long delivery times. So make sure you place your order on time! For orders ‘tins with text’ you need to take into account a processing time of up to 10 days + shipment. These tins are always custom-made and are therefore not in stock.
What if there is damage or breakage upon delivery of the cookies?Philip’s Biscuits is not responsible for damage or breakage occurred during the shipping process. It goes without saying that everything is wrapped up as securely as possible with reliable protective material, but our goodies remain fragile products to ship.
Delay in delivery ?We stick to the specified term, but we do not control delays at the hands of the delivery services (DHL/bpost). Therefore Philip’s Biscuits cannot be made accountable for them.
Wat als ik afwezig ben?U ontvangt geen track-and-trace code bij uw bestelling. Dit omdat wij met verschillende bedrijfs-onlineplatformen samenwerken. Indien u niet aanwezig bent, zal de koerier uw pakket in het dichtstbijzijnde postpunt leveren of uw pakket op een veilige plaats achterlaten (hiervan ontvangt u een melding in uw postbus). Uw pakket blijft +/- 15 dagen ter beschikking bij de koerier, wanneer dit niet afgeleverd kon worden, kan u uw pakket afhalen in één van onze winkels of afhaalpunt. U ontvangt hiervoor dan nog een mail (check zeker uw spam!)
Wat bij laattijdige of foute zending?Wij rekenen standaard een verwerkingstermijn tot 8 werkdagen (voor ‘blikken met tekst tot 10 werkdagen + verzending). Wij houden ons aan deze termijnen, bij problemen zullen wij u contacteren. Philip's Bakery is niet verantwoordelijk voor: Laattijdige levering door toedoen van de koerierdiensten (Bpost, DHL). Vertragingen bij deze diensten hebben wij jammer genoeg niet in de hand. Foute levering van het pakket wanneer een verkeerd adres, huisnummer, ...werd ingevoerd op de webshop. Het pakket na aanbieding bij de begunstigde niet kon worden afgeleverd of opgehaald werd in het afhaalpunt. De begunstigde krijgt steeds melding van aanbieding in de brievenbus. Breuk of beschadigingen onderweg. U mag ons echter bij problemen steeds een mail sturen ( zodat we een gepaste oplossing kunnen aanbieden. Echter, terugbetaling is nooit mogelijk.
Can I pick up my order?It is possible to order online for collection (pick up) . Addresses: Antwerp, Korte Gasthuisstraat 39 Mechelen, Grote Markt 25 Important! To guarantee freshness, please state the date of collection in messages and which store. You will be notified when they are ready, taking into account max. 8 working days.
What is the cookies’ shelf life?Best before: - Tin: 6 to 8 weeks - Ballotin: up to 2 weeks - Sachets: up to 3 weeks - Speculoos figures: up to 5 weeks - Chocolate: up to 3 months - Display boxes: up to 16 weeks For optimal taste: always store our goodies in a dry and cool place, never in the fridge!
Which sweetener do we use for our sugar-free products?We use Zusto. Zusto contains a combination of prebiotic and vegetable dietary fibre specially selected because of their health benefits and their excellent properties as sugar substitute.
Do you have lactose and gluten-free cookies?At this moment we do not offer goodies that are free of gluten or lactose.
Do you have cookies suitable for vegans?Our products are hand-made with eggs, milk,… For now we don’t have any alternatives for vegans.
Hoeveel Antwerpse handjes zitten er in een doos van 1 kgIn een doos van 1 kg Antwerpse handjes zitten 120 handjes
PackagingAll our goodies are delivered in beautiful packaging: - Ballotins have a matching sleeve - Tins are always packed in a matching outer box and luxurious ribbon During the key moments (Easter, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Sinterklaas, etc.) we offer seasonal wrapping. You can choose whichever version you prefer via our webshop.
Philips Bakery kan nooit verantwoordelijk worden gesteld bij:Vertraging bij levering door toedoen van de koerierdiensten (Bpost/DHL) Breuk en beschadiging van de koekjes bij levering Foutieve levering door invoering van incorrect of onvolledig adres Foutieve ingave van gewenste artikelen Niet-afhaling van uw pakket bij een postpunt, bij afwezigheid van aanbieding
Complaints and returnsPhilip’s Biscuits can never be made responsible in the case of - Delay in delivery at the hands of the courier services (bpost/DHL) - Breakage or damage of the biscuits upon delivery - Incorrect delivery as a result of having given us an incorrect or incomplete address - Incorrect entry of desired articles - Non-collection of your package at a postal point, as a result of being absent upon delivery We do not have a return policy since we work with prepackaged foods. Refunds for webshop orders are never possible. All our products are thouroughly checked before they are shipped/arrive in our shops. Furthermore they are handled with care as we prepare them for shipping or for pick-up. Should something go wrong anyhow, we will gladly look for a solution with you, but refunds are never possible. You can send a mail to By placing your order, you agree to these terms and conditions.
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